The Integral Journey
w/ Todd Brehm, licensed psilocybin facilitator
Se habla español
It is an exciting time to be alive and in Oregon. We are embarking upon a journey of legal, safe, and transformative psilocybin experiences.
This is a journey of growth, discovery, (re)connection, renewal, and healing…
And so much more…
As facilitator, my role is to partner with you and provide support throughout the entire process - from the initial conversation to the medicine journey to the integration phase, which is critical in achieving lasting change and growth.
Within the fundamental factors of Set & Setting, I believe the relationship between journeyer and facilitator is integral to the journey. As a result, I focus on getting to know you from a holistic perspective - your past, present, and future. Together, we will collaborate to set an intention for the work, whether it be to address a past trauma, deal with ongoing personal challenges, or simply explore the expanses of consciousness (just to name a few!). Together, we will cultivate a connection and sense of trust so that you can comfortably immerse in the experience, firmly knowing that you can rely upon a safe and supportive container during your journey.
I have dedicated most of my career to supporting people on their healing/growth journeys - as a trained social worker/therapist working primarily with youth and families, and prior to that as an educator, teaching a variety of subjects to kids and adults. The unifying intention and theme throughout my work has been a profound appreciation for the world, a deep love for people with all of our perfect imperfections, and a firm belief in our inner healing power and wisdom.
I have worked with plant medicines and psychedelics for many years. HUMILITY, GRATITUDE, and RESPECT are my guiding values for this work. I love spending time in nature, reading, and eating ice cream. My favorite color is purple.
Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy Certificate - Fluence Training Program, 2023 - specific training and orientation for Mental Health Professionals
Master’s in Social Work Degree (MSW) - Portland State University, 2018 - Concentration in Children, Youth, & Families
Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) Emory University, 2007 - Double-Major in Spanish, International Studies
“Todd is the perfect holder for healing space, during the whole session, our conversation before, during and after, I felt genuinely safe and taken care of. His soft presence was an anchor for me, so I could dive into myself to breakthrough and heal.” - Past client, Female, 28
(15-30 mins.)
The introduction is a chance for us to meet and see if we’re a good fit - a chance to help you decide if you want to work together. We will also cover a general Screening to determine if there are any known safety concerns and/or contraindications for a psilocybin journey. The screening questions can be found here (along with the informed consent and client's bill of rights documents, all provided by the Oregon Health Authority).
(2+ hours)
Preparation is the time when we will get to know each other and you will learn about the process in detail. You’ll be invited to share some of your life story, family history, current situation, work, goals, life pursuits, and anything else that makes you YOU! You will learn about my process and how I support clients. Together, we will identify supportive strategies and practices that are personal to you and that could be utilized before, during, and after the medicine journey. If desired, we might practice some of these techniques during preparation, such as deep breathing, guided imagery meditations, body movement, etc.
Another key support for the journey will be the music soundtrack. A soundtrack can have a powerful impact on the direction and depth of your journey and this will be discussed thoroughly during preparation so that I can formulate a music program that is unique to you and your intention(s).
Together, we will discuss your intention(s) for the journey and also have an honest conversation about setting realistic expectations for this work. From my experience and IMHO, I believe honesty and clarity can lead to the greatest lasting benefits and health - in this work with psilocybin and in life in general ;)
Much has been made in the news and media about the healing and curative effects of psilocybin, with many citations of clinical studies and breakthrough designations. And while I strongly believe in the power of psilocybin and the psychedelic journey, I also believe it is important to center the journeyer as the engine powering this healing journey, as well as the inner healing wisdom present in all of us. I view the mushrooms and the psilocybin as the catalyst - the spark that initiates the journey. The real work of growth and change, however, is done by You, the journeyer. To make it last, it will take intentional effort and continued attention, which is all part of the integration process - a process that can last days, months, years, lifetimes…
Together, we will discuss and agree upon an appropriate dosage (amount) of psilocybin - considering many factors, such as intention, past experience, comfort levels, and more.
In Preparation, we will also cover the basic logistics of the medicine journey - what to eat before and after, what to wear, taking some time off from work/life responsibilities, etc. - all so that you can walk into the experience with a clear idea of what to expect and how best to support yourself through the entire process.
(4-8 hours depending on dosage)
On the day of your medicine journey, we will meet at the service center. We will check in with each other and talk about how you’re feeling and anything that is pertinent for you at the time.
I will invite you to revisit your intention(s) for the journey and offer you time and space to contemplate this intention.
Perhaps we will spend a moment outside in nature or in quiet meditation to help settle and feel grounded.
I will remind you of your resources and supportive strategies that will be available to you during and following the journey.
There will be a time to offer gratitude and appreciation to any and all beings, if you wish.
There will be time and space for you to practice any ritual or ceremony that is significant for you.
You will consume the psilocybin (purchased from the service center) and then ease into a comfortable space in the room, maybe lying down on a couch or seated by a sunny window.
As you begin to feel the effects of the psilocybin, there will be an eye mask, the music program and headphones, cozy blankets, and other accoutrements available as well.
Throughout your journey, I will offer an abiding and calm presence. I hope to strike a balance with being supportive and non-directive while not intruding nor interrupting your journey and process. I am merely a supportive presence available to you. You are the Hero in this journey.
As the effects of the psilocybin soften and fade, there will be some light refreshments available (if agreed upon beforehand), and you’ll have the opportunity to share and discuss anything from the journey that you wish. But it also might still be a time for quiet contemplation, and you may want to wait for our follow-up integration conversation(s) to discuss the journey and any insights.
I will check in with you about how you’re feeling, and together we’ll decide when you’re ready to leave the service center.
(1 hour or more)
The post-journey phase is often described as Integration, and it can be defined in many ways. In basic terms, integration can be thought of as bringing together various parts into one whole being - to restore to wholeness. In the context of a psilocybin journey, integration can mean taking the feelings, insights, visions, and experiences from the journey and incorporating them into your life, your daily existence, commonly through intentional practice and routine.
We will have at least one follow-up integration session (either in person or via Zoom, client’s preference), and more integration sessions can be available if you want.
In a typical integration session:
You might recount your experience of the medicine journey,
You might discuss any insights, narratives, or symbolism you noticed from the journey
Together, we can brainstorm ways to incorporate any aspects of the journey or teachings into your daily life, in order to cultivate lasting growth and healing
In other words, we’ll take the material from the journey - the imagery, the feelings, the story, the actions - and find ways to integrate it into your daily life - so that you can live more fully aligned with your values, intentions, and true self.
Throughout this entire process, I take a client-centered, non-directive approach. This means that You, the client, are the center of this journey, the hub of the wheel.
Space Psychedelic Clinic (East Portland, OR)
Fractal Soul PDX (Beaverton, OR)
Here is a downloadable guide to Fractal Soul PDX, a service center in Beaverton (just west of Portland) where I am a partner facilitator: Guide
CLIENT RESOURCE: Here is a really helpful and extensive Client Guide put together by the people at the Healing Advocacy Fund, complete with guidelines about the entire process and considerations for choosing a facilitator who is right for you.
I also offer group sessions! This might be the right option for you if you’d like to journey with a loved one, group of friends, or special community. The communal power of a group journey can be quite potent and has the ability to not only promote healing and growth within yourself, but also open up and transform relationships as well.
This can also be a more cost-effective option. Group rates will depend on the number of people and dosage amount, but generally will be discounted 30-50% off the individual rates.
I collaborate with a close network of experienced facilitators if you have a larger group that would need multiple facilitators.
In this work, setting a cost and charging a fee for services feels like a particularly fraught and challenging venture, and, on the other hand, I believe it’s an important opportunity to be transparent, ethical, and to build a trusting relationship between facilitator and client. For each client, we will have an open conversation about pricing, and I charge a rate based on hours worked for each client. The typical cost for a full journey package (2 prep. sessions, journey, 1 integration session) would range from $550-950, and more sessions can be added on as we go.
Integral Package -
Preparation (at least 2 hours), 1 Psilocybin Journey (full day), Integration Session (1-2 hours), option to add more integration sessions ($80 per session)
Journey Plus Package -
Preparation (at least 2 hours), 2 Psilocybin Journeys (2 full days, with 4-6 weeks in between journeys), 2 Integration Sessions (2-3 hours), option to add more integration sessions ($80 per session)
I offer a number of reduced rate/sliding scale services based on criteria and availability. I am a strong believer in social and health equity, and it is my hope that opportunities for healing and growth are available to those who seek it, regardless of income. Please view my Social Equity Plan for more details, or contact me and we can discuss further…
*Rates do not include the cost of the psilocybin nor the room/facility fee at the service center, which is determined by and purchased directly from the service center. Anticipate an additional $250 - 650 for all of that…
*Rates are subject to change.

Let’s Connect
For further questions or if you want to set up a free intro conversation, please use the form below. I can also be reached at
Social Equity Plan
As we in Oregon create this new ecosystem of legal psilocybin services for the greater public, I strongly believe that a movement for social equity must be fundamental in this work.
As an able-bodied, cis-gendered, straight, white, Jewish man I recognize some of the many privileges I benefit from in my life, and this is one reason why I have committed much of my career to promoting social justice and serving marginalized and underprivileged communities.
As a psilocybin facilitator, I intend to promote social equity in several ways:
- Provide services in Spanish, in addition to English
- Partner with local service-providers, organizations, and communities to identify potential clients who may benefit from services, at least 2-3 in the first year
- Provide reduced rate, at-cost, and/or free services for people who are low-income and/or from communities that have been marginalized, with the goal of providing at least 10% of my services at this rate (or at least 8- 10 different clients in the first year). Some criteria to determine eligibility for reduced rates would be OHP clients, social security and/or food stamp recipients, and those who self-report as low income.
- Encourage clients who are paying full rate to donate to a fund to enable more services for clients who are unable to pay full rate.
- Engage with local organizations to access resources and trainings for diversity, equity, and inclusion particularly around mental health and community wellbeing
Ultimately, I believe the effectiveness and success of my social equity commitments will be measured by my clients and community partners. I intend to elicit feedback from all clients, and I will track the number of reduced rate services I offer in relation to full rate services. In addition, at least twice a year I will request feedback from my local community partners in order to improve my work and be more welcoming, inclusive, and supportive.